Octopus card is a rechargeable contactless stored value smart card used to transfer electronic payments in online or offline systems in Hong Kong. It is very popular in the world. It is also used for payment at convenience stores, supermarkets, fast-food restaurants, on-street parking meters, car parks, and other point-of-sale applications such as service stations and vending machines. Because of it, i would like to develop the Octopus Simulator System.
And it simulates the LRT octopus system. There are the source code of the System: Pass-in, Pass-out, Consultation and reload(增值). For the important, there is a CardHandler to handle all the method.
Sample of Output:
In this program, I also have an idea that if you want to reload your octopus card, you should play a game first, it is just a trick. That is Slot Machine. However, it is not installed at the reload.java. It is independent. Also, there would be a Graphical User Interface(GUI) for all program.
Firstly, you can download the file here:
CardHandler.java : CardHandler.java
reload.java: reload.java
Consultation.java: Consultation.java
passIn.java: passIn.java
passOut.java: passOut.java
tiger.java: tiger.java
Or you can download the source code as a zip file: project_octopusCardSystem.rar
How to run the program?
Step1: open Start(開始)
Step2: open Run(執行)
Step3: input "cmd" into the textbar and then press "Enter"
Step4: Compile both files (e.g.javac Compiler*.java) and run file (e.g . java CompilerTest).
Step2: open Run(執行)
Step3: input "cmd" into the textbar and then press "Enter"
Step4: Compile both files (e.g.javac Compiler*.java) and run file (e.g . java CompilerTest).